Health Care > Questions and Answers > 4.1.5 Practice: Personal Health Plan

4.1.5 Practice: Personal Health Plan

Question 1 You will be using what you've learned in this lesson to develop a personal wellness plan to help protect yourself from both communicable and noncommunicable diseases. Start by identifying controllable and uncontrollable risk factors for disease. Question 2 Use the chart to differenti ... ate between some of the lifelong effects of positive and negative health behaviors. Question 3 Analyze the cost and accessibility of local health care services, including dental care. a. Complete the chart with information about the cost and accessibility of local health care services. b. How do you think having health insurance will impact a person's health? c. Research cost-effective health insurance plans. Describe two plans. Work provided healthcare – essentially your company covers you and sometimes your family for certain things oftentimes including annual eye exam and physical. These do vary in degree of coverage and if it does include family it often only includes immediate family. Location of and travel time to the nearest emergency room d. In your situation, should purchasing health insurance be an individual decision or a collaborative decision with your family? Explain your response. Question 4 Describe the types of regular medical and dental checkups, screenings, and tests that would help you avoid disease. Go to annual physicals, get vaccines, screen for STDs, go to biannual dentist checkups and be conscious of your own health. Go in more frequently if necessary. Question 5 Describe a plan for personal wellness. Include in your plan how you can help prevent disease and access health care and medical services at different stages of life. Make sure your plan is adaptable to changing health needs based on genetics, family history, and personal health behaviors. Question 6 Your environment can affect your health. Now that you have made a personal wellness plan, consider how you can make your environment "well." a. How do you think ideas about what is normal or good in your community influence how people treat the environment around them? b. Research at least one way that your environment influences your health and different ways that you can lessen your negative impact on and improve your environment. Describe your findings and cite your sources here. c. Do you think it is important to involve health, wellness, education, safety, and business professionals in plans for improving the health of the environment? Explain your answer. d. Develop a long-term plan describing how you can positively impact your environment. Describe your plan here. [Show More]

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