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A-LEVEL Mathematics Paper 1 Mark scheme



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Mark scheme instructions to examiners General The mark scheme for each question shows:  the marks available for each part of the question  the total marks available for the question  marking instructions that indicate when marks should be awarded or withheld including the principle on which each mark is awarded. Information is included to help the examiner make his or her judgement and to delineate what is creditworthy from that not worthy of credit  a typical solution. This response is one we expect to see frequently. However credit must be given on the basis of the marking instructions. If a student uses a method which is not explicitly covered by the marking instructions the same principles of marking should be applied. Credit should be given to any valid methods. Examiners should seek advice from their senior examiner if in any doubt. Key to mark types M mark is for method dM mark is dependent on one or more M marks and is for method R mark is for reasoning A mark is dependent on M or m marks and is for accuracy B mark is independent of M or m marks and is for method and accuracy E mark is for explanation F follow through from previous incorrect result Key to mark scheme abbreviations CAO correct answer only CSO correct solution only ft follow through from previous incorrect result ‘their’ Indicates that credit can be given from previous incorrect result AWFW anything which falls within AWRT anything which rounds to ACF any correct form AG answer given SC special case OE or equivalent NMS no method shown PI possibly implied SCA substantially correct approach sf significant figure(s) dp decimal place(s) Examiners should consistently apply the following general marking principles No Method Shown Where the question specifically requires a particular method to be used, we must usually see evidence of use of this method for any marks to be awarded. Where the answer can be reasonably obtained without showing working and it is very unlikely that the correct answer can be obtained by using an incorrect method, we must award full marks. However, the obvious penalty to students showing no working is that incorrect answers, however close, earn no marks. Where a question asks the student to state or write down a result, no method need be shown for full marks. Where the permitted calculator has functions which reasonably allow the solution of the question directly, the correct answer without working earns full marks, unless it is given to less than the degree of accuracy accepted in the mark scheme, when it gains no marks. Otherwise we require evidence of a correct method for any marks to be awarded. Diagrams Diagrams that have working on them should be treated like normal responses. If a diagram has been written on but the correct response is within the answer space, the work within the answer space should be marked. Working on diagrams that contradicts work within the answer space is not to be considered as choice but as working, and is not, therefore, penalised. Work erased or crossed out Erased or crossed out work that is still legible and has not been replaced should be marked. Erased or crossed out work that has been replaced can be ignored. Choice When a choice of answers and/or methods is given and the student has not clearly indicated which answer they want to be marked, only the last complete attempt should be awarded marks. MARK SCHEME – A-LEVEL MATHEMATICS – PAPER 1
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