Health Care > Questions and Answers > America Revealed: Food Machine

America Revealed: Food Machine

America Revealed: “Food Machine” 1. What does it take to feed our nation? (Add to this question as you watch!) 2. How has our ability to use nature, such as the development of dams, allowed us to become a major food-producing nation? 3. Why have Americans over the past 50 years been able to e ... njoy foods never before imaginable? 4. How have Americans been able to triple their yields since World War Two? 5. Why do some farmers use circle-shaped fields? 6. What is the key ingredient of America’s food machine? How are we surrounded by this crop when we are at the grocery store? 7. Describe what large-scale feedlot business looks like, and explain how they utilize corn within their operation. 8. How have animals been breed to meet the demands of Americans for meat products? Big Picture Q? Ethics? 9. How has the globalized world allowed us to eat what we want, when we want? 10. In what ways does the food industry work to create cravings within the American diet? Give an example or two! 11. How is the cost of water a major concern for farmers? It what ways do farmers utilize technology in order to keep their farms running? 12. Why are pesticides used by farmers across the country today? 13. What is a GMO? Why do farmers utilize them? 14. In terms of harvesting, what has allowed farmers to harvest at rates never seen before? 15. Describe the role that bees play in producing food. Explain their cross-country trip! 16. What percentage of the population is able to feed nearly all people? 2% 17. Despite the fact that most Americans farm on large-scale, commercial farming, what are some Americans doing in order to get back to our agricultural roots? 18. Discuss what is sold in the large farmers market in downtown Detroit? Why are people interested in buying these products? Selling more organic and less non GMO 19. What challenges do we face as we move forward as a nation? What impact do trends have? 20. What is your reaction to the movie? What do you believe the future holds for our food machine? [Show More]

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