Nursing > Questions and Answers > ATI Comprehensive Predictor Exam ATI RN Comprehensive Predictor Exam RN ATI Comprehensive Predictor Exam ATI Comprehensive Exit Exam

ATI Comprehensive Predictor Exam ATI RN Comprehensive Predictor Exam RN ATI Comprehensive Predictor Exam ATI Comprehensive Exit Exam

1. A nurse working in a long-term care facility is caring for an older adult client has dementia. The clients often agitated and frequently wanders the halls. Which of the following intervention should the nurse include in the plan of care? a) Give the client several choices when scheduling activ ... ities. b) Confront the client regarding unacceptable behavior c) Maintain Nutritional requirements by offering finger foods d) Stimulate the client by leaving the television on throughout the day 2. A nurse on a mental health unit receives report on four clients. Which of the following client should the nurse attend to first? a. A client who has begun to demonstrate catatonic behavior b. The client was compulsive behavior and is frequently drinking from the water fountain c) Client was having auditory hallucinations is becoming agitated d) A client was making sexual comments to clients of the opposite sex 3. A nurse is caring for the full term newborn immediately following birth. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? a. Instill erythromycin ophthalmic ointment and the newborn’s eyes. b. Place identification bracelets on the newborn. c. Weigh the newborn. d. D ry the newborn This study source was downloaded by 100000839554999 from on 01-21-2022 05:05:13 GMT -06:00 4. A nurse receives report on a group of clients. Which of the following client should the nurse attend to first? a. A client who was admitted with asthma and has an SaO2 of 92% long receiving oxygen at 1 L per minute via nasal cannula b. ) A client was admitted with angina and reports left arm pain of 4 on a scale of 0 to 10 c. The client was type II diabetes mellitus in his blood with glucose level is at 80 mg/dL d. A client who had a gastric endoscopy and whose nasogastric tube is draining 30 mL per hour of green fluid 5. A client at 38 weeks of gestation enters the emergency department. The nurse should recognize that which of the following indicates that the client is in the latent phase of labor? a. The client reports the urge to push b) The cervix is dilated 2 cm c) Contractions are 2 to 3 minutes apart d) The client reports nausea and vomiting 6. The charge nurse for medical surgical units discovers client care assignments that should be reassigned. Which of the following delegated tasks should be reassigned? a. An AP is to calculate intake and output every two hours for client in acute renal failure. b. An AP is to collect vital signs every 30 minutes for client who had a cholecystectomy c. A licensed practical nurse is to check nasogastric tube placement for client list had a bowel resection. d) A licensed practica [Show More]

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