Nursing > Questions and Answers > ATI Maternal Newborn Proctored Exam

ATI Maternal Newborn Proctored Exam

Two days after delivery, a postpartum client prepares for discharge. What should the nurse teach her about lochia flow? Incorrect: Lochia does change color but goes from lochia rubra (bright red) on days 1-3, to lochia serosa (pinkish brown) on days 4-9, to lochia alba (creamy white) days 10-21. ... Incorrect: Numerous clots are abnormal and should be reported to the physician. Incorrect: Saturation of the perineal pad is considered abnormal and may indicate postpartum hemorrhage. Correct: Lochia normally lasts for about 21 days, and changes from a bright red, topinkish brown, to creamy white. The color of the lochia changes from a bright red to white after four days Numerous large clots are normal for the next three to four days Saturation of the perineal pad with blood is expected when getting up from the bed Lochia should last for about 3 weeks, changing color every few days 2. A nurse monitors fetal well-being by means of an external monitor. At the peak of the contractions, the fetal heart rate has repeatedly dropped 30 beats/min below the baseline. Late decelerations are suspected and the nurse notifies the physician. Which is the rationale for this action? Incorrect: A nuchal cord (cord around the neck) is associated with variable decelerations, not late decelerations. Incorrect: Variable decelerations (not late decelerations) are associated with cord compression. Incorrect: Late decelerations are a result of hypoxia. They are not reflective of the strength of maternal contractions. Correct: Late decelerations are associated with uteroplacental insufficiency and are a signof fetal hypoxia. Repeated late decelerations indicate fetal distress. The umbilical cord is wrapped tightly around the fetus' neck [Show More]

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