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ATI proctor, Nutrition

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Chapter 1: Carbohydrate, protein and fat 3 main nutrients. Carbs: 45-65% of daily calories function: energy, regulate fat, cardiac and cns system, protein metabolism. Glycogen: stored carb in the liver and muscle and it release between the meals to regulate the Blood glucose level. Carbs 4 calories per gram per energy * Fiber intake 25gr women, for M 38gr per day * Protein 10-35% daily calories, 0.8 gr per kg body weight, tissue building, immune function, neutral nitrogen balance. Wound healing is important.  Complete protein: all 9 amino acids, animal sources and soy  Incomplete: 2 different one together is complete like rice plus beans.  Protein 4 calories per gram per energy.  Fat lipids: 20-35% of daily calories. Les that 10 sutured fat, ideally 7% Function: store energy, padding insulation. Hormone, absorption of fat-soluble vitamin  Cholesterol: 200-300 mg/day  Fat provides 9 calories/energy If you eat 5 gr of fat how many calories: 45 calories. Vitamins: Fat soluble: A, D, E, K they have risk for toxicity, don’t overdose, CF, celiac and crohns disease Water soluble: Vitamin C and B complex thiamine, niacin, pardaxin, panthocacid, folic, cobalamin: no risk for toxicity, you will pee it out. Vitamin c: iron absorption, tissue building Citrus fruits, tomatoes, green veggie. Deficiency in vitamin C: bleeding, swelling gums and joint pain, during pain and illness take more, during smoking take more B complex: CNS functioning, meats, milk, whole grains, legumes, green leafy veggies. Pregnancy get folic acid. Def B12: pernicious anemia. Vitamin A: vision health, skeletal and soft tissue: orange and yellow fruits, fatty fish, dairy products. Deficiency: xeropthalmia and vision issue Vitamin D: absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Sunlight, Milk, fatty fish and eggs. Deficiency: bone loss Vitamin E: serve as antioxidants: fat containing food, nuts, dark green veggies. Deficiency very rare: muscle pain
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