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ATI: RN Nursing Care of Children 10 th edition (2016) to 11 th edition (2019) Modifications

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Chapter 1: Family-Centered Nursing Care No variations from 10 th edition (2016) Chapter 2: Physical Assessment Findings PAGE 10 th edition (2016) 7 PULSE RATE  Newborn: 80 to 180/min (depending on activity)  1 week to 3 months: 120 to 180/min (depending on activity) 11 th edition (2019) PULSE RATE  Newborn: 110 to 160/min (depending on activity)  1 week to 3 months: 107 to 180/min (depending on activity) 8 SKIN SKIN  Variations in skin color are expected based on  Variations in skin color are expected. race and ethnicity. HEAD HEAD  The posterior fontanel usually closes by 6 and  The posterior fontanel usually closes by 8 weeks 8 weeks of age, and the anterior fontanel of age, and the anterior fontanel usually closes usually closes between 12 and 18 months of between 12 and 18 months of age. age. 9 EYES  Conjunctiva o Palpebral is pink. o Bulbar is transparent. EYES  Conjunctiva o Palpebral fissures and conjunctiva are pink. o Bulbar conjunctiva are transparent. EAR EAR  Internal ear  Internal ear o Umbo (tip of malleolus) and o “Umbo (tip of malleolus) and manubrium manubrium (long process or handle) (long process or handle) are the bony are the bony landmarks that should landmarks that should be visible” was be visible. removed from the bullet points. NOSE NOSE  Internal structures  Internal structures o The mucosa is deep pink and moist o The mucosa is deep pink in light- with no discharge. skinned clients and various shades of brown or gray in dark-skinned clients. The mucosa should be moist without evidence of discharge. MOUTH AND THROAT MOUTH AND THROAT  Gums o Coral pink Mucous membranes o Moist, pink, smooth, and glistening   10 INFANT REFLEXES PALMAR GRASP MORO REFLEX STARTLE REFLEX EXPECTED FINDING Elicted by placing an abject in an infant’s palm. The infant grasps the object. Elicted by allowing the head and trunk of an infant in a semi- sitting position to fall backward to an angle of at least 30°. The infant’s arms and legs symmetrically extend, then abduct while fingers spread to form C shape. Elicited by clapping hands or by a loud noise. The newborn abducts arms at the elbows, and the hands remain clenched. Gums o Coral pink in light-skinned clients, and various shades of brown or gray in dark-skinned clients. Mucous membranes o Moist, smooth, and glistening. Pink in light-skinned clients and various shades of brown or gray in dark-skinned clients. INFANT REFLEXES EXPECTED AGE Birth to 3 months Birth to 4 months Birth to 4 months EXPECTED FINDING PALMAR GRASP MORO REFLEX Elicted by placing an abject in an infant’s palm. The infant grasps the object. Elicted by allowing the head and trunk of an infant in a semi-sitting position to fall backward to an angle of at least 30°. The infant’s arms and legs symmetrically extend, then abduct while fingers spread to form C shape. STARTLE REFLEX removed from the table entirely EXPECTED AGE Birth to 4 months Birth to 6 monthsChapter 3: Health Promotion of Infants (2 Days to 1 Year) PAGE 15 10 th edition (2016) PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT  Fontanel o Posterior fontanel closes by 6 to 8 weeks of age. MOTOR SKILL DEVELOPMENT BY AGE 11 MONTHS 12 MONTHS 17 GROSS MOTOR SKILLS Cruises of walks while holding onto something Walks with one hand held Sits down from a standing position without assistance NUTRITION  Solids are introduced around 4 to 6 months of age. 11 th edition (2019) PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT  Fontanel o Posterior fontanel closes by 2 to 3 months of age. MOTOR SKILL DEVELOPMENT BY AGE 11 MONTHS 12 MONTHS GROSS MOTOR SKILLS Cruises of walks while holding onto something Sits down from a standing position without assistance Walks with one hand held NUTRITION  Solids are introduced around 6 months of age. Chapter 4: Health Promotion of Toddlers (1 to 3 Years) PAGE 21 22 10 th edition (2016) PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT  At 30 months of age, toddlers should weigh four times their birth weights. COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT  Piaget: Sensorimotor stage transitions to the preoperational stage around age 19 to 24 months. NUTRITION  Foods that are potential choking hazards (nuts, grapes, hot dogs, peanut butter, raw carrots, tough meats, popcorn) should be avoided. 11 th edition (2019) PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT  At 30 months of age, toddlers should weigh four times their birth weights. Toddlers grow approximately 1.8 to 2.7 kg (4 to 6 lb.) per year. COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT  Piaget: Sensorimotor stage transitions to the preoperational stage around 2 years of age. NUTRITION  Foods that are potential choking hazards (nuts, grapes, hot dogs, peanut butter, raw carrots, dried beans, tough
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