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Baruch College, CUNY-BPL 5100 Globus Answers

 Which of the following does not accurately describe your company’s camera/drone business and operations? o The company makes the majority of the needed camera components at facilities close to its Taiwan assembly plant; newly produced camera components are transferred by truck on a just in ... time basis to the company’s camera assembly facilities where the company operates a 250 person assembly line capable of turning out 3250 cameras per hour. There is ample space at the camera assembly facility to add two more 250 person assembly lines should they be needed later to fill incoming buyer orders.  World wide unit sales of wearable, miniature action capture cameras are reliably projected to grow: o 6-8 % annually for years 6-10 and then grow at a slower 4-6% annual rate during the years 11-15  Which of the following is not accurate as concerns the online retailers of unmanned aerial view drones and/or the buyers of unmanned aerial view drones? o The purchasers of drones in North America are less sensitive to cross brand differences in P/Q ratings than are drone purchasers in latin America, rather, the biggest factor affecting the purchase decisions of north America drone buyers are the retail prices being charged for the various brands of UAV drones.  Which of the following components of the compensation package for members of camera/drone PATS? o Annual base wage, assembly quality incentive( $ per unit assembled divided equally among PAT members), year end bonus for perfect attendance, and the dollar cost of a PAT member’s fringe benefit package This study resource was shared via  Which of the following is not one of the benefits of current year and cumulative expenditures for camera/drone product R&D? o Reducing total annual compensation costs for PATs because such spending once it reaches $25 million annually and a cumulative total of $100 million, allows the size of PATs to be reduced from 4 persons to 2 persons  Which of the following are the four geographic regions in which the company is currently selling its action cameras and UAV drones? o Europe-Africa, Latin America, Asia Pacific, and north America  Which one of the following is not a factor in determining a company’s action camera sales and market share In a particular geographic region? o The amounts by which the company’s credit rating and customer service rating are above/below the regional average [Show More]

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