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BIOS256 Midterm Study Guide 2018



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BIOS256 Midterm Study Guide The Midterm spans material covered in Chapters 24 through 26. The exam will be worth 170 points with a mix of the following question types: 35 multiple-choice, 4 select all that apply, 15 short answer, and 1 essay question. The exam will be held on Wednesday, 8 August 2018 in Room 214 from 12:00 pm -2:00 pm. You will have 1.5 hours to finish the exam. Best of luck to you! Multiple-Choice    Questions and Select All That Apply (Ch. 24) Organs of the digestive system o Mouth o Pharynx o Esophagus o Stomach o Small intestine o Large intestine o Rectum o Anal canal o Anus (Ch. 24) Functions of the GI tract o Ingestion o Secretion o Mixing and propulsion o Digestion o Absorption o Defecations (Ch. 24) Neural innervation of the GI tract o Enteric Nervous system  Submucosal plexus-secrete/not secrete  Myenteric plexus-full feeling attached to muscles o Autonomic Nervous System  Parasympathetic- rest and digest  Sympathetic-fight or flight (Ch. 24) Teeth o 20 baby teeth/32 adult teeth  Enamel-protects the tooth (calcium salts)  Dentin-makes up the majority of the tooth (calcified connective tissue)  Gingival sulcus  Gingiva (gums)-holds teeth in place  Pulp cavity-contains pulp (connective tissue contains nerves and blood vessels)  Cementum-bone like attaches the root to periodontal ligament  Root canal- extension of the pulp cavity, contains blood vessels and nerves  Alveolar bone-  Periodontal ligament-helps anchor tooth to underlying bone  Apical foramen-opening at the base of root canal where blood vessels and nerves pass  Nerve  Blood supply
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