Nursing > Study Guide > CEN1 Shock_Hematology

CEN1 Shock_Hematology

SHOCK Objectives: At the completion of this section, the learner will be able to:  Define shock  Differentiate the signs of compensatory shock from decompensatory shock  List the three forms of distributive shock The CEN exam contains nine questions on shock which involve the followin ... g topics:  Cardiogenic shock  Distributive shock (e.g. anaphylactic, septic, neurogenic shock)  Hypovolemic  Obstructive (e.g. pericardial tamponade, tension pneumothorax)  Shock (not specific)  Shock (lack of oxygen to the tissues) o Hypovolemic shock – Decreased cellular perfusion secondary to lack of circulating volume o Cardiogenic shock – Decreased cellular perfusion secondary to failure of the central pump o Distributive shock – Decreased cellular perfusion secondary to maldistribution of the oxygen to the periphery o Obstructive shock – Decreased cellular perfusion secondary to obstruction of blood into or out of the ventricles (e.g. pulmonary embolism, pericardial tamponade, tension pneumothorax)  Obstructive shock Type of obstruction Treatment Pregnancy Roll the patient to her side Tension pneumothorax Chest tube/needle decompression Cardiac tamponade Pericardiocentesis Pulmonary embolism Thrombolytics Aortic aneurysm Surgical intervention Aortic stenosis Surgical intervention Excessive positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) Readjust ventilator settings  Hypovolemic shock o Early (compensatory) shock Sympathetic nervous system (adrenergic system) Parasympathetic nervous system (cholinergic system) Alpha receptors  Vasoconstriction  Glucogeonolysis  Diaphoresis  Vasodilation  Gluconeogenesis  Dry skin Beta-one receptors   heart rate   contractility   automaticity   heart rate   contractility   automaticity Beta-two receptors   respiratory rate  Bronchodilation   respiratory rate  Bronchoconstriction [Show More]

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