Nursing > Study Guide > CEN5_Toxicology and Environmental

CEN5_Toxicology and Environmental

TOXICOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL EMERGENCIES Objectives: At the completion of this section, the learner will be able to:  Identify the type of substance ingested based on the signs and symptoms demonstrated  Treatment recommendations for various drugs of abuse  List antidotes for common ... medicinal overdoses  Describe decontamination procedures for chemical and radiation exposures  Verbalize body temperatures that are considered life-threatening  Describe treatment modalities appropriate for various poisonous animal envenomations  Differentiate between various parasitical infections based on the symptoms presented Environmental Emergencies Toxicological Emergencies  Burns  Envenomation emergencies (e.g. spiders, snakes, aquatic animals)  Food poisoning  Organophosphates and insecticides  Parasite and fungal infections (e.g. giardia, ringworm, tineas, tape worms, pine worms, lice, maggots, scabies)  Plants (e.g. contact dermatitis, ingestion)  Radiation/hazardous material exposure  Submersion injury  Temperature-related emergencies (e.g. hot, cold, and systemic)  Rabies  Acids and alkalis  Carbon monoxide  Cyanide  Overdose and ingestions  Substance abuse  Major Toxidromes [Show More]

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