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Chapter 17: Digestive System Disorders

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1. Which of the following cells in the gastric mucosa produce intrinsic factor and hydrochloric acid? a. Parietal cells b. Chief cells c. Mucous cells d. Gastrin cells 2. Which of the following is the primary site for absorption of nutrients? a. Stomach b. Duodenum c. Ileum d. Ascending colon 3. When highly acidic chyme enters the duodenum, which hormone stimulates the release of pancreatic secretions that contains very high bicarbonate ion content? a. Gastrin b. Secretin c. Cholecystokinin d. Histamine 4. Which of the following breaks protein down into peptides? a. Amylase b. Peptidase c. Lactase d. Trypsin 5. In which structure is oxygenated blood (arterial) mixed with unoxygenated blood (venous) so as to support the functions of the structure? a. Pancreas b. Liver c. Small intestine d. Spleen 6. Which of the following stimulates increased peristalsis and secretions in the digestive tract? a. Sympathetic nervous system b. Vagus nerve c. Increased saliva d. Absence of food in the system 7. Which of the following is contained in pancreatic exocrine secretions? a. Bicarbonate ion b. Hydrochloric acid c. Activated digestive enzymes d. Insulin 8. The presence of food in the intestine stimulates intestinal activity but inhibits gastric activity through the: a. defecation reflex. b. enterogastric reflex. c. vomiting reflex. d. autodigestive reflex. 9. Which of the following processes is likely to occur in the body immediately after a meal? a. Lipolysis b. Ketogenesis c. Gluconeogenesis d. Glycogenesis 10. What does the term gluconeogenesis refer to? a. Breakdown of glycogen to produce glucose b. Conversion of excess glucose into glycogen for storage c. Formation of glucose from protein and fat d. Breakdown of glucose into carbon dioxide and water 11. Normally, proteins or amino acids are required to produce all of the following EXCEPT: a. peptide hormones. b. clotting factors and antibodies. c. cellular energy. d. hemoglobin. 12. Which of the following statements applies to bile salts? a. They give feces the characteristic brown color. b. They are enzymes used to break down fats into free fatty acids. c. They emulsify lipids and lipid-soluble vitamins. d. They are excreted in the feces.
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