Nursing > Questions and Answers > Chapter 2- Family-Centered Community Based Care 25 Questions And Answers

Chapter 2- Family-Centered Community Based Care 25 Questions And Answers

The nurse is caring for a 2-week-old newborn girl with a metabolic disorder. Which of the following activities would deviate from the characteristics of family-centered care? A) Softening unpleasant information or prognoses B) Evaluating and changing the nursing plan of care C) Collaborating wi ... th the child and family as equals D) Showing respect for the family’s beliefs and wishes 2. The nurse is providing home care for a 6-year-old girl with multiple medical challenges. Which of the following activities would be considered the tertiary level of prevention? A) Arranging for a physical therapy session B) Teaching parents to administer albuterol C) Reminding parent to give a full course of antibiotics D) Giving a DTaP vaccination at the proper interval 3. A nursing student is reviewing information about documenting client care and education in the medical record and the purposes that it serves. The student demonstrates a need for additional study when the nurse identifies which of the following as a reason? A) Serves as a communication tool for the interdisciplinary team. B) Demonstrates education the family has received if legal matters arise. C) Permits others access to allow refusal of medical insurance coverage. D) Verifies meeting client education standards set by the Joint Commission. 4. A pregnant client tells her nurse that she is interested in arranging a home birth. After educating the client on the advantages and disadvantages, which statement would indicate that the client understood the information? A) “I like having the privacy, but it might be too expensive for me to set up in my home.” B) “I want to have more control, but I am concerned if an emergency would arise.” C) “It is safer because I will have a midwife.” D) “The midwife is trained to resolve any emergency, and she can bring any pain meds.” 5. The nurse is making a home visit to a client who had a cesarean birth 3 days ago. Assessment reveals that the client is complaining of intermittent pain, rating it as 8 on a scale of 1 to 10. She states, “I’m pretty tired. And with this pain, I haven’t been drinking and eating like I should. The medication helps a bit but not much. My mom has been helping with the baby.” Her incision is clean, dry, and intact. Which nursing diagnosis would the nurse identify as the priority for this client? A) Impaired skin integrity related to cesarean birth i [Show More]

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