Home Chemistry Questions and Answers

Chapter 2: The Aging Experience

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1. The nurse is caring for an older patient. Which information about the aging process should the nurse recall that demonstrates respect for this population? 1. As people get older, they become very self-centered. 2. Getting old is a hopeless downward spiral toward death. 3. Older people maintain unique and individual characteristics. 4. Older people become very rigid and are unable to learn new things. Answer: 2. The nurse is preparing a teaching tool about the normal physiological characteristics of aging. Which information should the nurse include? 1. It is reflective of individual diversity. 2. It is a predictable and uniform process. 3. It is primarily related to chronic disease processes. 4. It is accompanied by extreme mood swings and predictable depression. Answer: 3. The nurse is asked to explain the different theories of aging. Which physiological theory should the nurse include? 1. Continuity 2. Subculture 3. Wear and tear 4. Developmental tasks Answer: 4. The nurse is caring for an older patient. Which patient characteristic should the nurse identify that reflects a psychological theory of aging? 1. Genetics 2. Nutrition 3. Personality 4. Wear and tear Answer: 5. The nurse is preparing to collect data on an older patient’s cardiovascular system. Which finding should the nurse identify as a normal age-related change? 1. Strong heart beat 2. Dilated blood vessels 3. Decreased cardiac output 4. Flaccid and thin heart valves Answer: 6. The nurse is visiting an older patient in the home. Which behavior should the nurse identify that determines this patient’s ability to function? 1. Driving a car 2. Getting adequate sleep 3. Working, driving, shopping, and exercising as usual 4. Performing activities of daily living (ADLs), instrumental ADLs, and quality of life Answer: 7. The nurse is assessing an older patient’s respiratory system. Which should the nurse identify as a reason for this patient to experience increased residual lung volume? 1. Osteoporosis 2. Increased elastic recoil 3. Increased number of functioning alveoli 4. Decreased efficiency of gas exchange in the alveoli Answer: 8. An older patient is experiencing age-related skin changes. Which finding should the nurse associate with these changes? 1. Altered joint mobility 2. Intolerance to exercise 3. Alteration in ability to ambulate 4. Change in body temperature regulation Answer: 9. An older female patient reports leaking urine when coughing and sneezing. Which should the nurse explain as the reason for this change in the urinary system? 1. Decreased bladder capacity 2. Decreased renal blood flow 3. Reduced glomerular filtration rate
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