Nursing > Questions and Answers > Chapter 20: Neoplasms and Cancer

Chapter 20: Neoplasms and Cancer

1. What is a benign neoplasm originating from adipose tissue called? a. Adenoma b. Lipoma c. Fibrosarcoma d. Adenocarcinoma 2. What are malignant neoplasms arising from connective tissue cells called? a. Carcinomas b. Sarcomas c. Melanomas d. Fibromas 3. Which of the following is a c ... haracteristic of a benign tumor? a. It is unencapsulated and invasive. b. It consists of undifferentiated cells. c. It exerts systemic effects. d. Cells appear relatively normal. 4. Which factor provides the basis for the grading of newly diagnosed malignant tumors? a. Size of the tumor b. Number of metastases c. Degree of differentiation of the cells d. Number of lymph nodes involved 5. A warning sign of possible cancer would be any of the following EXCEPT: a. persistent, unusual bleeding. b. a change in bowel habits. c. sudden development of fever, nausea, and diarrhea. d. a change in shape, color, or surface of a skin lesion. 6. The common local effects of an expanding tumor mass include: 1. obstruction of a tube or duct. 2. anemia and weight loss. 3. cell necrosis and ulceration. 4. tumor markers in the circulation. a. 1, 2 b. 1, 3 c. 2, 4 d. 3, 4 7. Which of the following does paraneoplastic syndrome refer to? a. The effects of substances such as hormones secreted by the tumor cells b. Severe weight loss and cachexia associated with advanced cancer c. The decreased resistance to infection resulting from malignant tumors d. The effects of multiple metastatic tumors 8. Which term refers to the spread of malignant cells through blood and lymph to distant sites? a. Invasiveness b. Seeding c. Metastasis d. Systemic effect 9. One reason for staging a malignant tumor at the time of diagnosis is to: a. identify the original cell from which the tumor developed. b. locate and identify the primary tumor. c. decide the initiating factor for a particular tumor. d. determine the best treatment and prognosis. 10. The process of carcinogenesis usually begins with: a. exposure to promoters causing dysplasia. b. development of defective genes. c. an irreversible change in the cell DNA. d. a single exposure to a known risk factor causing temporary cell damage. 11. What would be an external source of ionizing radiation? a. A needle containing a radioisotope implanted beside the tumor b. Gamma rays delivered by a cobalt machine c. A dose of a radioactive drug to be ingested d. A fluid containing radioactive material instilled in a body cavity 12. Radiation therapy destroys: a. all cells in the tumor at one time. b. the cells in the center of the tumor. c. primarily rapidly dividing cells. d. radioresistant cells. [Show More]

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