Nursing > Questions and Answers > Chapter 41: The Integumentary System deWit: Medical-Surgical Nursing: Concepts & Practice, 3rd Edition

Chapter 41: The Integumentary System deWit: Medical-Surgical Nursing: Concepts & Practice, 3rd Edition

1. What underlying pathophysiology explains the gradual graying of an older adult’s hair? a. Reduced hair follicles b. Less sebaceous gland activity c. Loss of collagen fibers in dermis d. Decreased melanocytes at hair follicle 2. An 80-year-old resident prefers to lie in bed on her left s ... ide. The nurse anticipates that the risk for skin breakdown is greatest over which area? a. Left buttock b. Left heel c. Left trochanter d. Left ribs 3. Which chemical irritant causes the most damage to skin of the immobilized patient? a. Urine b. Topical medication c. Bath soap d. Laundry soap 4. The nurse observes the CNA who is changing a patient’s bed. Which action demonstrates that the CNA requires additional teaching? a. Lifting the patient on the draw sheet to the stretcher. b. Pulling the draw sheet out from under the patient. c. Rolling the patient to the side to change the draw sheet. d. Using the gait belt to lift the patient from the bed to a wheelchair. 5. When planning care for an 80-year-old African American woman, which intervention is most important for the nurse to include? a. Bathe the patient twice weekly. b. Use liberal amounts of soap and water. c. Use quick, brisk motions to dry the patient’s skin. d. Apply emollient to limbs and back. 6. A 93-year-old resident eats only a few bites at meals and then refuses to eat more. Which intervention might the nurse use to help delay skin breakdown from diminished nutrition? a. Spoon-feed the resident. b. Request an order for a feeding tube. c. Inform the resident of the need to increase intake. d. Offer 4 ounces of fluid every hour. [Show More]

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