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Chapter 7 - Scheduling Projects



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TRUE/FALSE 1. In order for activities to be useful as schedule building blocks, they should have tangible output that can be verified. ANS: T DIF: Average REF: Intro 2. There is often terrific pressure to complete a project as quickly as possible. To confront this pressure, a project manager should quickly promise to meet the deadlines requested by the sponsor and then assemble a team to create the corresponding schedule. ANS: F DIF: Average REF: 7.4 3. The first process in developing a project schedule is to identify all the resources available to work on the project. ANS: F DIF: Challenging REF: 7.5 4. While the lowest level of decomposition in a Work Breakdown Structure is the work package, work packages can still be decomposed further into project activities. ANS: T DIF: Average REF: 7.5 5. Except in rare circumstances, project teams should not attempt to decompose work packages into project activities because work packages provide sufficient detail to develop a project schedule. ANS: F DIF: Challenging REF: 7.5 6. A successor activity follows a predecessor activity based on their logical relationship. ANS: T DIF: Easy REF: 7.6 7. The most common type of logical dependency to determine the sequence of project activities is “finish-to-finish”. ANS: F DIF: Average REF: 7.6 8. The “start-to-start” logical relationship used in activity sequencing applies to the case where initiation of the successor activity depends upon initiation of the predecessor activity. ANS: T DIF: Average REF: 7.6 9. The length of time to perform an activity is often dependent upon who will do that work. ANS: T DIF: Easy REF: 7.7
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