Nursing > Questions and Answers > Concept 05: Spirituality Giddens: Concepts for Nursing Practice, 3rd Edition

Concept 05: Spirituality Giddens: Concepts for Nursing Practice, 3rd Edition

1. The nurse is assessing a patient's spirituality and observes the patient meditating before any treatment .What is the nurse's best action? a. Document that the patient is not religious. b. Offer the patient a copy of the Bible to read. c. Arrange for quiet time for the patient as needed. d. ... Limit the time patient can meditate before procedures. 2. When conducting a spiritual assessment of a hospitalized patient, the nurse should remain aware of which potential barrier to effective communication? 3. A patient uses rosary beads and attends mass once a week. This expression of spirituality is best described with which term? a. Religiosity b. Faith c. Belief d. Authenticity 4. When developing a plan of care, the nurse should consider which attribute of the concept of spirituality? a. Spirituality is not a well-known universal concept. b. Chronic versus acute illnesses affect spirituality. c. Convincing patients to pray is a priority intervention. d. Referrals may be needed to spiritual counselors. [Show More]

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