Nursing > Questions and Answers > Concept 06: Adherence

Concept 06: Adherence

1. A patient has been newly diagnosed with hypertension. The nurse assesses the need to develop a collaborative plan of care that includes a goal of adhering to the prescribed regimen. When the nurse is planning teaching for the patient, which is the most important initial learning goal? a. The ... patient will select the type of learning materials they prefer. b. The patient will verbalize an understanding of the importance of following the regimen. c. The patient will demonstrate coping skills needed to manage hypertension. d. The patient will verbalize the side effects of treatment. 2. After the nurse implements a teaching plan for a newly diagnosed patient with hypertension, the patient can explain the information but fails to take the medications as prescribed. What is the nurse's next action? 3. A diabetic patient presents to the diabetes clinic with A1c levels of 7.5%. The nurse has met this patient for the first time. When applying principles of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), which teaching strategy by the nurse is most likely to be effective? a. Provide information on the importance of blood glucose control in maintenance of long-term health and evaluate how the patient has been following the prescribed regime. [Show More]

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