Nursing > Questions and Answers > Concept 50: Caregiving

Concept 50: Caregiving

1. The community health nurse is assessing a family who has a chronically ill child. The child needs special care, and the nurse has to coordinate the care for the home setting. What behavior will the nurse assess for to know that the family can care for the child? a. The family is willing to lea ... rn about the care and share the caregiving needs. b. The mother is going to care for the child and the family herself. c. The older siblings are going to care for the child while the parents are at work. d. An outside agency will be coming to the home three times a week to give care. 2. A young wife is talking with the nurse about her husband who is returning from the military. The wife confides that her husband is physically okay but is behaving differently. What is the nurse's best responce ? 3. The nurse is counseling a woman who is caring for her 83-year-old father. The father has had mental changes and is becoming more confused. The father lives with the daughter in her homr .The nurse knows the daughter understands father's care need when she states which of the following? [Show More]

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