Home Chemistry Questions and Answers

ECEN 5053-003 Homework Assignment .C1M3

Industrial Chemistry


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You want to measure the flow rate of air of density 1.225 kg/m3 in a differential pressure meter. The upstream pressure is 20 N / m2 and the downstream pressure is 15 N / m2. The meter has an area of 0.1 m2. What is the flow rate in m3 / sec? What advantage does a coriolis meter have over a thermal mass flow meter when measuring the mass flow rate of a gas? A You want to measure the flow rate of a gas at roughly 400°C, 15 Bar static pressure, and 150 m/s flow velocity. Which is the only type of flow meter, from the 7 types that we discussed in class, that you can use and why? What are three differences in the method and principal of operation between a variable area meter and a differential flow pressure meter? (note: this question is not asking about the specifications of the meters) A coriolis flow meter has a liquid flow accuracy of 0.25% of flow rate and a zero stability of 3.5 kg / hr. What is the maximum error in kg /hr in the flow rate reading when the meter measures a flow rate of 2500 kg / hr? What are three differences in the pattern of fluid flow between laminar flow and turbulent flow? How is a vortex created in the middle of pipe when using a vortex meter? How does the vortex meter measure the flow rate?
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