Management > Case Study > EDMG 220 - Emergency Planning Week 6 Assignment

EDMG 220 - Emergency Planning Week 6 Assignment

Emergency Operations Plan for Bobsville 4 INTRODUCTION The City of Bobsville Emergency Operations Plan was developed to address multiple haz- ards which threaten the city. Through use of a functional format, the plan encourages the Na- tional Incident Management System (NIMS) approach to disas ... ters; and fosters prompt, efficient and coordinated response operations by elements of the emergency organization. This basic plan serves as a summary document to twenty-two (22) functional annexes. The annexes define each agency’s role in an emergency situation. Defining these roles reduces confusion and conflict during emergencies; and significantly decreases vulnerability of the pub- lic and their property to hazardous threats. This plan meets the requirements of FEMA planning guidance, CPG 1-8 and CPG 1-8A. It provides all the necessary elements to insure that local government can fulfill its legal responsi- bilities for emergency preparedness. CHANGES MADE BY NUMBER RECORD OF CHANGES DATE OF CHANGE DATE ENTERED CHANGE Emergency Operations Plan for Bobsville PROMULGATION CITY OF BOBSVILLE, OKLAHOMA 5 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER ROBERT B. BOBS, CITY MANAGER [Show More]

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