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Final Exam Study Guide APIII



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Innate andSystem) adaptive systems, how they work and interact (Lymphatic Innate (non specific)-defenses that are present at birth, 1)first line of defense are the physical and chemical barriers of the SKIN and mucous membranes, o Mechanical Defense-  Skin, mucous membranes, tears, saliva, mucus, cilia, epiglottis, urine flow, defecating, vomiting  Chemical Defense-  Sebum, lysozyme, gastric juice 2) the second line of defense are the Internal defenses ;antimicrobial protiens, natural killer cells, phagocytes (Phagocyte (white blood) engulfs microbe), inflammation, and fever. Innate immunity responses represent immunity’s early warning system and are designed to prevent microbes from entering the body and to help eliminate those that do gain access. They help each other because innate presents the T cell, once the pathogen is being killed or being rendered Adaptive (specific) immunity refers to defenses that involve specific recognition of a microbe once it has breached the innate immunity defenses. Based on a specific response to a specific microbe, that is, it adapts or adjusts to handle a specific microbe. Involves lymphocytes called T cells and B cells. o Adaptive immunity has both specificity and memory and is divided into 2 types  Cell-mediated  An antigen is recognized and bound  A small number of T cells proliferate and differentiate into a clone of effector cells  The antigen is eliminated  Antibody-mediated  An antigen is recognized and bound  Helper T cells co-stimulate the B cell so the B cell can proliferate and differentiate into a clone of effector cells that produce antibodies.  The antigen is eliminated
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