Nursing > Questions and Answers > Foundations of Maternity, Women’s Health, and Child Health Nursing : Evolve Resources for Maternal-Child Nursing,

Foundations of Maternity, Women’s Health, and Child Health Nursing : Evolve Resources for Maternal-Child Nursing,

1. Which factor significantly contributed to the shift from home births to hospital births in the early 20th century? a. Puerperal sepsis was identified as a risk factor in labor and delivery. b. Forceps were developed to facilitate difficult births. c. The importance of early parental-infant co ... ntact was identified. d. Technologic developments became available to physicians. 2. Family-centered maternity care developed in response to a. demands by physicians for family involvement in childbirth. b. the Sheppard-Towner Act of 1921. c. parental requests that infants be allowed to remain with them rather than in a nursery. d. changes in pharmacologic management of labor. 3. Which setting for childbirth allows the least amount of parent-infant contact? a. Labor/delivery/recovery/postpartum room b. Birth center c. Traditional hospital birth d. Home birth . 4. As a result of changes in health care delivery and funding, a current trend seen in the pediatric setting is a. increased hospitalization of children. b. decreased number of children living in poverty. c. an increase in ambulatory care. d. decreased use of managed care. 5. The Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program provides a. well-child examinations for infants and children living at the poverty level. b. immunizations for high-risk infants and children. c. screening for infants with developmental disorders. d. supplemental food supplies to low-income pregnant or breastfeeding women. 6. In most states, adolescents who are not emancipated minors must have the permission of their parents before . a. treatment for drug abuse. b. treatment for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). c. accessing birth control. d. surgery. 7. The maternity nurse should have a clear understanding of the correct use of a clinical pathway. One characteristic of clinical pathways is that they a. are developed and implemented by nurses. b. are used primarily in the pediatric setting. c. set specific time lines for sequencing interventions. d. are part of the nursing process. 8. The fastest growing group of homeless people is a. men and women preparing for retirement. b. migrant workers. c. single women and their children. d. intravenous (IV) substance abusers. . 9. A nurse wishes to work to reduce infant mortality in the United States. Which activity would this nurse most likely participate in? a. Creating pamphlets in several different languages using an interpreter. b. Assisting women to enroll in Medicaid by their third trimester. c. Volunteering to provide prenatal care at community centers. d. Working as an intake counselor at a women’s shelter. 10. The intrapartum woman sees no need for a routine admission fetal monitoring strip. If she continues to refuse, what is the first action the nurse should take? a. Consult the family of the woman. b. Notify the provider of the situation. c. Document the woman’s refusal in the nurse’s notes. d. Make a referral to the hospital ethics committee. [Show More]

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