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Foundations Of Mental Health Care 4th Edition by Morrison-Valfre – Test Bank

Sample Test Morrison-Valfre: Foundations of Mental Health Care, 4th Edition Test Bank Chapter 3: Ethical and Legal Issues MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. A male teenage client tells the nurse that his friends like to drink alcohol occasionally to get drunk. The client’s friends see nothing wrong with the ... ir drinking habits. The client states that he was taught by his parents and agrees that underage drinking is not acceptable. Also, he has never seen his parents drunk; therefore, he refuses to drink with his friends. Which mode of transmission best describes how this client’s particular value was formed? a. Moralizing b. Modeling c. Reward-punishment d. Laissez-faire ANS: B Modeling best describes how the teenage client developed this value because his parents not only discussed this issue but behaved in a way for the teen to copy. Moralizing sets standards of right and wrong with no choices allowed; the reward-punishment model rewards valued behavior and punishes undesired behavior; and the laissez-faire model imposes no restriction or direction on choices. DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: Page 20 OBJ: 1 TOP: Acquiring Values KEY: Nursing Process Step: Assessment MSC: Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity 2. A female client becomes combative when the nurse attempts to administer routine medications. The nurse would like to ignore the client but chooses to talk with the client to calm her. The nurse is successful in calming the client, and the client takes her medications. What process best describes how the nurse decided on the course of action taken? a. Values clarification b. Nurse’s rights c. Beliefs d. Morals ANS: A Values clarification consists of the steps of choosing, prizing, and acting. This most accurately describes how the nurse made the proper decision. The nurse chose the best action, reaffirmed the choice, and then enacted the choice. The nurse’s rights were not violated, and beliefs and morals do not describe the entire decision-making process that occurred. DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: Page 20 OBJ: 1 TOP: Values Clarification KEY: Nursing Process Step: Intervention MSC: Client Needs: Safe and Effective Care Environment 3. Which patient right may clients with mental health disorders lose during treatment? a. Confidentiality of records b. Freedom from restraint or seclusion c. Humane treatment environment d. Referral to other mental health providers on discharge ANS: B A client could lose the right of freedom from restraint or seclusion in emergency situations, such as being a threat to himself or others. The other rights must be upheld at all times. DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge REF: Page 21 OBJ: 2 TOP: Client Rights KEY: Nursing Process Step: Intervention [Show More]

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