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Hawkins and Clinton Book Review Liberty University



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HAWKINS & CLINTON 2 Hawkins and Clinton Book Review Summary The New Christian Counselor: A Fresh Biblical and Transformational Approach is a book inscribed by Hawkins and Clinton. These authors are not only seasoned counselors but also professors. This book is a comprehensive guide empowering Christian counselors. The contents of this book will help counselors in clarifying their task along with guiding them on how to help people take possession of their souls. This possession is done through: (1) the authority of the Word of God; (2) the power of the Holy Spirit, (3) supportive community of accountability; and (3) ways so that we may be more like Christ. Important Concepts in the Book The first important concept of the book is about Christian counseling. The book elaborates on the significance of Christian counseling. It gives a guideline on how to be a good Christian counselor. Secondly, the book illustrates on how the counselors will persuade people to use spiritual intervention in counseling. It shows the importance of being spiritual and always seeking spiritual guidance. The book, also, gives guidelines to counselors on how they can handle addiction and idolatry issues. It quotes verses from the bible that will be a guide. Moreover, the book brings about the issue of community and accountability. It urges on how one should be socially responsible and be accountable for the impact he/she has to the community. Furthermore, it elaborates on how authority and armor can be acquired through the word of God which at the end helps them to take control of their souls. The book embraces the Scripture revelation. Counselors are required to be students of the broad scope of biblical
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