Nursing > Questions and Answers > HESI A2 - REVIEW ;QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS


Which of the following is a structure found in the upper respiratory? Golgi apparatus functions as? 1. How many carbs per gram do carbohydrates contain? 2. When water molecules move across cell membrane from high to low concentration this process is called? 3. What is the result of carb ... on dioxide in the body? 4. What part of the body is the lower back?Lumbar. 5. High levels of which ion would most likely result in a cardiac arrest? 6. What blood vessel prefuses the kidney? 7. Which gland is located on the anterior surface of the trachea? 8. In white blood cells what contributes to phagocytosis? . 9. What structure of the eye picks out color? 10. What is the outer most protective layer of the skin? 11. The organ of corti is located in? 12. Where in the body are nutrients absorbed? . 13. What cell structure regulates the transportation of substances in and out the cell? 14. The rough endoplasmic reticulum functions in the human cell to? 15. Tissue repair is enhanced by a diet high in? 16. What is the definition of chyme? 17. What are hormones? 18. What female reproductive organ produces oocytes, estrogen, and progesterone? 19. What structure is located in the upper airways? 20. What cellular process helps to move debris and mucous through the lining of tubules? 21. Which is a hollow organ? 22. Which muscle is included in the quadriceps femoris group? 23. Which structure is responsible for normal respiratory function? 24. Which hormone is produced by the posterior pituitary gland? 25. Client has a large pituitary tumor what part of the body does this effect? 26. What occurs when the sympathetic nervous system's stimulation is increased? 27. The buttocks are which surface of the body? 28. The esophagus is located in which body cavity? 29. The tympanic membrane is located between which structures? 30. How many days is the average menstrual cycle? 31. Which structure produces T-lymphocytes? 32. A person who has damaged the ulnar nerve will have decreased sensation in which area? 33. Calcaneus is located in? 34. Urinary system in the human body primary task is to? . 35. Which of the following produce progesterone to prepare the uterus for pregnancy? 36. What are fingerprints made of? 37. ABCD of cancer? 38. Which of the following location would the urinary bladder & internal reproductive organ be found? 39. Which one increases angle at the joint? [Show More]

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