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HESI exit exam version 1 with answers(ALL CORRECT)

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The practical nurse (PN) performs a random blood glucose test for a client with a history of hypoglycemia and complains of dizziness. After test completion, which action should the PN perform first? Remove gloves and wash hands. Document results and actions in the medical record. Rationale Disposal of the lancet and test strip (C) prevents the transmission of bloodborne pathogens and is the priority. (A, B, and D) should follow, implementing sharps precautions. Regarding client confidentiality, what information represents the correct understanding by the practical nurse of the guidelines set forth by HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)? Which action should the practical nurse (PN) implement to provide a sense of control to a toddler who is hospitalized? Dispose of lancet and test strip in proper receptacle. Discuss the test results with the client. Only clients can pick up their prescriptions at a pharmacy. Past medical records for clients should be stored in a secured place. Computers that access client information cannot be in the public part of a nursing station. Whiteboards with a list of client names are prohibited in areas that the public can see. Put a cover over the child's crib. Which interventions should the practical nurse (PN) implement in the postoperative period for a client who had surgery for cancer of the oral cavity? (Select all that apply.) Select all that apply Which intervention is most important for the practical nurse to implement when suctioning the nasopharyngeal airways for a child after cardiac surgery?
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