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Lab# 2 Report Mapping the Electrostatic Potential and Electric Field



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Introduction: Electric fields surrounds any charged objects. To determine the strength and direction of those fields, mapping the electric potential of the field by measuring voltmeters is the most convenient way. Therefore, to simulate the static charge distributions, measure electric potential, and map the electrostatic, we utilized electrodes with a small current flowing. Procedure: Part 1. : Parallel Plates - Set up the materials using the electron sheet with configuration as shown in Figure2, 3, 4. - Draw a thin reference line from one plate to the other, connecting the midpoints of the two plates. - Use the 5V. Then measure the potential difference between reference probe and the other volt meter probe every 0.5cm along your line, starting at 0.5cm. (we moved our (-) probe) Part 2. : Point Source and Guard Ring - Connect the point source and guard ring as shown in Fig 5. - draw a thin reference line from the point source straight out to the guard ring. - Place your reference probe on the guard ring at the line - Use the same voltage like part1 (which is 5v) and measure the potential difference along the reference line every 0.5cm moving toward the point source. Part 3. : Electric dipole - Set up the electric dipole configuration as in Fig 6. And apply 5V place reference voltage probe halfway between the two electrodes, along an imaginary line that connects the two electrodes. - Draw the equipotential curves in the space inside the box Part 4. : Like charges in a box - Set up the configuration shown in Fig. 7 - Apply 5V. again, place reference voltage probe halfway between the two electrodes, along an imaginary line that connects the two electrodes. - Find the same voltage and map out. (also tried to figure out which point is the maximum and minimum voltage.)
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