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Legal Philosophy LJU4801

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1.1 Welcome! Welcome to the module Legal Philosophy (LJU4801)! We are very excited to take you on this journey of discovery. We are convinced that if you approach this module with an open mind, with curiosity, with a willingness to question your own ideas and with enthusiasm, you will enjoy the ride. We cannot wait to show you the way. Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference – Robert Frost – This section of the study guide gives you the information you need to start the journey on a road less travelled. We tell you what the purpose of the module is, what our approach is and what we expect from you. We also have some suggestions on how you should approach the learning material and even suggest a study method for you. Please do not skip this section! Knowing what we expect is not only the key to passing the module but also to do so with the minimum of fuss. At the same time, remember the goal in life is not just to survive, but also to thrive! Having said that, reading just the study guide is not enough to succeed in this module. In the other tutorial letters, that you will receive there is more information that you need. These tutorial letters contain your lecturers’ contact details, the assignments you need to hand in, the format of the exam, feedback on assignments and so forth. They are as much part of the learning material as the study guide – make sure you study these as well. And with that said we are ready to embark. We sincerely hope you enjoy it.
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