Lung Cancer: Leading cause of death from cancer
Major cause smoking (but don’t assume lung cancer = smoker)
Other causes: environmental exposure
2 categories: small cell lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Staging: I-IV (true of all cancer)
Small cell lung cancer:
o 15% of tumors, most aggressive, grows quickly, very poor prognosis
Non-small cell lung cancer:
o 85% of tumors, surgery is the preferred treatment if localized and no
Diagnosis: Fine need aspiration, Chest Xray, CT Scan, MRI, Bronchoscopy,
Sputum studies
Manifestations: Insidious, cough, Wheezing, Dyspnea, Hoarseness, Hemoptysis,
Anorexia, Diminished or absent breath sounds
Treatment: Varies
o Surgery: Pneumonectomy, Lobectomy, Segmentectomy, Wedge resection
o Radiation, Chemotherapy
Surgical Interventions:
o Laser therapy, thoracotomy, thoracotomy with lobectomy, thoracotomy
with segmental resection
Non-Surgical Interventions:
o Radiation, Chemotherapy
Lung-Cancer Nursing Interventions:
o Monitor vital signs, monitor respiratory system, assess for tracheal
deviation, administer pain medication (per order), oxygen (per order),
administer respiratory medications (along with respiratory therapy), highcalorie, high protein, high-vitamin diet, activity as tolerated
Nursing Care post-surgery:
o Maintain airway, monitor vital signs, closely monitor respiratory system,
Oxygen therapy, maintain chest tube drainage system, T/C/DB, CPT,
Range of motion of operative shoulder, Lots of emotional support
Acute Respiratory Failure: Sudden life threating deterioration of gas exchange
Insufficient oxygen to the blood and inadequate carbon dioxide removed from the
PaO2 < 60 mm HG, PaCO2 > 50 mm HG, pH <7.35
Types of Acute Respiratory Failure:
o Hypoxemic respiratory failure (Oxygen failure)
Insufficient oxygenation of pulmonary blood at alveolar level
Ventilation normal, lung perfusion decreased
Right to left shunting of blood
V/Q mismatch
Low partial pressure of O2
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