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MANOVA Project Data Information from IMB SPSS



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Janae Coleman October 16, 2019 GCU Psy 520 MANOVA Project Data Information from IMB SPSS General Linear Model Box's Test of Equality of Covariance Matricesa Box's M 16.981 F 1.205 df1 12 df2 4116.429 Sig. .273 Tests the null hypothesis that the observed covariance matrices of the dependent variables are equal across groups. a. Design: Intercept + Group Multivariate Testsa Partial Eta Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig. Squared Intercept Pillai's Trace .972 324.467b 3.000 28.000 .000 .972 Wilks' Lambda .028 324.467 b 3.000 28.000 .000 .972 Hotelling's Trace 34.764 324.467 b 3.000 28.000 .000 .972 Roy's Largest Root 34.764 324.467b 3.000 28.000 .000 .972 Group Pillai's Trace .163 .860 6.000 58.000 .530 .082 Wilks' Lambda .841 .843 b 6.000 56.000 .542 .083 Hotelling's Trace .183 .826 6.000 54.000 .555 .084 Roy's Largest Root .147 1.423c 3.000 29.000 .256 .128 a. Design: Intercept + Group b. Exact statistic c. The statistic is an upper bound on F that yields a lower bound on the significance level. Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variances a Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. Usefulness Based on Mean 2.412 2 30 .107 Based on Median .923 2 30 .408 Based on Median and with .923 2 23.769 .411 adjusted df Based on trimmed mean 2.307 2 30 .117 Difficlty Based on Mean 4.210 2 30 .024 Based on Median 4.406 2 30 .021 Based on Median and with 4.406 2 28.109 .022 adjusted df Based on trimmed mean 4.282 2 30 .023 Importance Based on Mean .635 2 30 .537 Based on Median .360 2 30 .701 Based on Median and with .360 2 27.122 .701 adjusted df Based on trimmed mean .646 2 30 .531 Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups. a. Design: Intercept + Group
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