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MAT510 Midterm - The frameworks discussed in Chapter 4...



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The frameworks discussed in Chapter 4 could be considered more specific examples of: The Statistical Thinking Strategy Statistical engineering The scientific method All of the above None of the above If you are thinking creatively about how to take existing tools and link and sequence them to develop a novel approach to solve important problems, this would be an example of: Statistical thinking Statistical engineering Applied statistics DMAIC None of the above Use of subject matter knowledge is a key aspect of the Statistical Thinking Strategy discussed in Chapter 2. For which of the following case studies in Chapter 4 was this principle NOT clearly applied? Reducing resin output variation Reducing telephone waiting time at a bank Resolving customer complaints of baby wipe flush ability Realized revenue fiasco None of the above Suppose a DMAIC Framework were used to attack a problem where the process in question was inherently stable. Which of the following would be a likely result of this effort? Immediate opportunities for improvement would be missed Time would be wasted looking for something “broken” to “fix” Significant improvement would likely occur – no harm done All of the above None of the above We learned in Chapter 2 that most processes are dynamic in nature, and therefore the time dimension is often a critical consideration in process
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