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Maternity and Pediatric Nursing 3rd Edition By Susan Ricci, Theresa Kyle, and Susan Carman

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nant women, the nurse expects to review how maternity care has changed over the years. Which of the following would the nurse include when discussing events of the 20th century? A) Epidemics of puerperal fever B) Performance of the first cesarean birth C) Development of the x-ray to assess pelvic size D) Creation of free-standing birth centers 4. After teaching a group of students about pregnancy-related mortality, the instructor determines that additional teaching is needed when the students identify which condition as a leading cause? A) Hemorrhage B) Embolism C) Obstructed labor D) Infection 5. The nurse is working with a group of community health members to develop a plan to address the special health needs of women. Which of the following conditions would the group address as the major problem? A) Smoking B) Heart disease C) Diabetes D) Cancer 6. When assessing a family for possible barriers to health care, the nurse would consider which factor to be most important? A) Language Test Bank - Maternity and Pediatric Nursing (3rd Edition) by Ricci, Kyle, and Carman 5 B) Health care workers’ attitudes C) Transportation D) Finances 7. After teaching a group of nursing students about the issue of informed consent. Which of the following, if identified by the student, would indicate an understanding of a violation of informed consent? A) Performing a procedure on a 15-year-old without consent B) Serving as a witness to the signature process C) Asking whether the client understands what she is signing D) Getting verbal consent over the phone for emergency procedures 8. The nurse is trying to get consent to care for an 11-year-old boy with diabetic ketoacidosis. His parents are out of town on vacation, and the child is staying with a neighbor. Which action would be the priority? A) Getting telephone consent with two people listening to the verbal consent B) Providing emergency care without parental consent C) Contacting the child’s aunt or uncle to obtain their consent D) Advocating for termination of parental rights for this situation
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