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Maternity & Women’s Health Care , Lowdermilk Test Bank

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1. In evaluating the level of a pregnant womans risk of having a low-birth-weight (LBW) infant, which factor is the most important for the nurse to consider? a. African-American race b. Cigarette smoking c. Poor nutritional status d. Limited maternal education 2. What is the primary role of practicing nurses in the research process? a. Designing research studies b. Collecting data for other researchers c. Identifying researchable problems d. Seeking funding to support research studies 3. A 23-year-old African-American woman is pregnant with her first child. Based on the statistics for infant mortality, which plan is most important for the nurse to implement? a. Perform a nutrition assessment. b. Refer the woman to a social worker. c. Advise the woman to see an obstetrician, not a midwife. d. Explain to the woman the importance of keeping her prenatal care appointments. 4. During a prenatal intake interview, the nurse is in the process of obtaining an initial assessment of a 21-year-old Hispanic client with limited English proficiency. Which action is the most important for the nurse to perform? a. Use maternity jargon to enable the client to become familiar with these terms. b. Speak quickly and efficiently to expedite the visit. c. Provide the client with handouts. d. Assess whether the client understands the discussion. 5. The nurses working at a newly established birthing center have begun to compare their performance in providing maternal-newborn care against clinical standards. This comparison process is most commonly known as what? a. Best practices network b. Clinical benchmarking c. Outcomes-oriented practice d. Evidence-based practice 6. Which statement best exemplifies contemporary maternity nursing? a. Use of midwives for all vaginal deliveries b. Family-centered care c. Free-standing birth clinics d. Physician-driven care 7. A 38-year-old Hispanic woman vaginally delivered a 9-pound, 6-ounce baby girl after being in labor for 43 hours. The baby died 3 days later from sepsis. On what grounds could the woman have a legitimate legal case for negligence? a. Inexperienced maternity nurse was assigned to care for the client. b. Client was past her due date by 3 days. c. Standard of care was not met. d. Client refused electronic fetal monitoring. 8. When the nurse is unsure how to perform a client care procedure that is high risk and low volume, his or her best action in this situation would be what? a. Ask another nurse. b. Discuss the procedure with the clients physician. c. Look up the procedure in a nursing textbook. d. Consult the agency procedure manual, and follow the guidelines for the procedure. 9. The National Quality Forum has issued a list of never events specifically pertaining to maternal and child health. These include all of the following except: a. infant discharged to the wrong person. b. kernicterus associated with the failure to identify and treat hyperbilirubinemia. c. artificial insemination with the wrong donor sperm or egg. d. foreign object retained after surgery. 10. A nurse caring for a pregnant client should be aware that the U.S. birth rate shows what trend? a. Births to unmarried women are more likely to have less favorable outcomes. b. Birth rates for women 40 to 44 years of age are declining. c. Cigarette smoking among pregnant women continues to increase. d. Rates of pregnancy and abortion among teenagers are lower in the United States than in any other industrialized country.
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