Nursing > Questions and Answers > med surg chap 1

med surg chap 1

1. Which statement accurately describes the primary purpose of the state nurse practice act (NPA)? a. To test and license LPN/LVNs. b. To define the scope of LPN/LVN practice. c. To improve the quality of care provided by the LPN/LVN. d. To limit the LPN/LVN employment placement. 2. The cha ... rge nurse asks the new vocational nurse to start an intravenous infusion, a skill that the vocational nurse has not been taught during her educational program. How should the vocational nurse respond? a. Ask a more experienced nurse to demonstrate the procedure. b. Look up the procedure in the procedure manual. c. Attempt to perform the procedure with supervision. d. Inform the charge nurse of her lack of training in this procedure. 3. Which patient statement indicates a need for further discharge teaching that the vocational nurse should address? a. “I have no idea of how this drug will affect me.” b. “Do you know if my physician is coming back today?” c. “Will my insurance pay for my stay?” d. “Am I going to have to go to a nursing home?” 4. According to most state NPAs, the vocational nurse acting as charge nurse in a long-term care facility acts in which capacity? a. Working under direct supervision of an RN on the unit b. Working with the RN in the building c. Working under general supervision by the RN available on site or by phone d. Working as an independent vocational nurse 5. The nurse is educating a patient that is a member of a health maintenance organization (HMO). Which information should the nurse include? a. Seek the opinion of an alternate health care provider. b. Obtain insurance approval for medical services prior to treatment. c. Provide detailed documentation of all care received for his condition. d. Wait at least 6 months to see a specialist. 6. The patient complains to the nurse that he is confused about his “deductible” that he owes the hospital. Which statement accurately explains a deductible? a. An amount of money put aside for the payment of future medical bills b. A one-time fee for service c. An amount of money deducted from the bill by the insurance company d. An annual amount of money the patient must pay out-of-pocket for medical care [Show More]

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