Nursing > Questions and Answers > med surg nursing Chapter 07: Care of Patients with Pain

med surg nursing Chapter 07: Care of Patients with Pain

1. In order to provide the optimum nursing care, it is important for the nurse to know that the standard of pain and pain control is best determined by which person? a. Physician b. Nurse c. Patient’s family d. Patient 2. The nurse clarifies the basics of the gate theory of pain control a ... s: a. pain is perceived as opening a “gate” to pain symptoms. b. the “gate” can be closed to pain by the use of nonpainful stimuli. c. the “gate” swings back and forth, first allowing pain, then blocking it. d. the patient can be trained to close the “gate” to pain. 3. When giving care to a 30-year-old Hispanic male, the nurse is aware that the young man will most likely: a. be stoic about pain. b. prefer a pill to an injection. c. ignore somatic interventions such as heat and massage. d. confess to pain, but refuse pain medication. 4. The nurse is caring for a patient who is having constant nociceptor pain. The nurse can best address the patient’s pain during the perception phase of pain with which intervention? a. Administer nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for moderate pain. [Show More]

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