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1. Cyclic vomiting may: 1. Last for days. 2. Require SSRIs to stop hurting. 3. Not be associated with a headache. 4. Requires pain medication and Zofran. ANS: 3 2. A 5-day old infant comes in for a newborn checkup. On assessment of the newborn, you note that the skin is jaundice in color. The anterior fontanel is slightly sunken. Per mom, the infant has only had 2 diapers today. The infant is strictly breastfed, and this is moms first child. She states baby is having trouble latching on. A bilirubin level is sent and comes back at 18. You identify this newborn to be dehydrated and is most likely to have breast milk jaundice. Which nursing intervention(s) will be required for this baby? 1. Phototherapy 2. Providing support and education for the lactating mother 3. Strict monitoring of intake and output 4. All of the above ANS 4 3. You are taking care of an infant who was admitted with dehydration. His weight is 6kg. You have been watching his I & Os. What would you expect the infants urinary output to be in order to maintain adequate hydration? 1. 0.52 ml/kg/hr 2. 0.52.5 ml/kg/hr 3. 13 ml/kg/hr 4. As long as he is having wet diapers it does not matter ANS: 3 4. The primary care pediatric nurse practitioner diagnoses a 5yearold child with asthma and prescribes an oral steroid and a short acting beta-adrenergic medication via a metered dose inhaler to manage acute symptoms. Along with education about the prescribed medications, what information is important to give the child’s family at this visit? A. An asthma action plan B. Effects and side effects of current medications Correct C. Information about spirometry testing D. Instructions for medications at school 5. The primary care pediatric nurse practitioner orders a pulmonology consult for a child who has severe asthma. The nurse practitioner writes “child with asthma refractory to conventional treatments needs suggestions for alternative treatments.” The nurse practitioner expects the pulmonologist to A. confirm the medical diagnosis for the child’s parents. B. make recommendations for disease management. Correct C. stress the importance of adherence to the medication regimen. D. take over management of this child’s chronic illness. 6. The parent of an 18monthold child calls the clinic to report that the child has a rectal temperature of 100.4°F (38°C). The child is playing normally, taking fluids well, and has a slightly reduced appetite. What will the primary care pediatric nurse practitioner recommend? A. Administering an antipyretic medication B. Bringing the child to the clinic for evaluation C. Offering extra fluids and calling if symptoms change Correct D. Ordering outpatient lab work such as a CBC
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