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Models of Abnormal Behavior



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1. What term is used to describe the cause of abnormal behavior? a. genesis b. etiology c. psychiatric underpinnings d. psychological underpinnings ANSWER: b REFERENCES: Introduction LEARNING OBJ UABB.SUES.16.2.1 - Identify and describe the models of psychopathology ECTIVES: that have been used to explain abnormal behavior. OTHER: Factual 2. A psychologist who uses the words neurological makeup when discussing disorders is using which model? a. social b. psychologica l c. sociocultural d. biological ANSWER: d REFERENCES: One-Dimensional Models of Mental Disorders LEARNING OBJ UABB.SUES.16.2.1 - Identify and describe the models of psychopathology ECTIVES: that have been used to explain abnormal behavior. OTHER: Conceptual 3. Models are often utilized by scientists to ____. a. provide a clear and definitive explanation for a phenomenon b. help conceptualize the cause of a phenomenon c. directly observe a phenomenon d. infer a phenomenon to something more abstract ANSWER: b REFERENCES: One-Dimensional Models of Mental Disorders LEARNING OBJ UABB.SUES.16.2.1 - Identify and describe the models of psychopathology ECTIVES: that have been used to explain abnormal behavior. OTHER: Conceptual 4. An assumption of the multipath model of abnormality is that ____. a. the biological perspective best explains the complexities of human behavior b. most psychological disorders are due to one or two primary factors c. biological, psychological, social, and sociocultural factors contribute equally to most psychological disorders d. different individuals exposed to different factors may develop similar mental disorders ANSWER: d REFERENCES: A Multipath Model of Mental Disorders LEARNING OBJECTIVES: UABB.SUES.16.2.2 - Describe the multipath model of mental disorders. OTHER: Factual 5. Which factor is a biological explanation of psychopathology? a. family interactions b. neurological dysfunctions c. early childhood experiences d. behaviors learned in the environment ANSWER: b REFERENCES: One-Dimensional Models of Mental Disorders LEARNING OBJ UABB.SUES.16.2.1 - Identify and describe the models of psychopathology ECTIVES: that have been used to explain abnormal behavior. OTHER: Factual 6. Peter survived a stroke that damaged much of the tissue in the left hemisphere of his brain. We can expect that Peter will ____. a. have trouble controlling his emotional behavior b. be unable to sense touch on the left side of his body c. experience impaired visual-spatial abilities d. experience paralysis on the right side of his body ANSWER: d REFERENCES: Dimension One: Biological Factors LEARNING OBJEC UABB.SUES.16.2.3 - Describe how mental disorders can be explained TIVES: through our biological makeup. OTHER: Applied 7. Forebrain is to ____ as hindbrain is to ____. a. alertness and attention; language, thought, and memory b. serotonin; dopamine c. higher mental functions; functions like sleep, heart rate, and respiration d. visual and spatial abilities; emotions and motivation ANSWER: c REFERENCES: Dimension One: Biological Factors LEARNING OBJEC UABB.SUES.16.2.3 - Describe how mental disorders can be explained TIVES: through our biological makeup. OTHER: Factual 8. The function of neural dendrites is to ____. a. release neurotransmitters b. receive signals from other neurons c. bind to receptors of other neurons d. trigger synaptic excitation of other neurons ANSWER: b REFERENCES: Dimension One: Biological Factors LEARNING OBJEC UABB.SUES.16.2.3 - Describe how mental disorders can be explained TIVES: through our biological makeup. OTHER: Factual
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