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APUSH Module 1 Exam (Answered)

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The most significant initial impact on the Native American population from interaction with Europeans came from (4 points) technology such as guns and horses, which allowed them to "civilize" rapidly ✓ old world diseases from which they had little to no immunity domesticated livestock, which created much greater food variety seeds and plants, which transformed the landscape of North America 4 of 4 ✓ 2. (01.02 MC) What role did religion play in Cortés's and Columbus's explorations? (4 points) They were determined to convert American Indians to Christianity. ✓ Catholics in Spain and Italy supported their expeditions because they wanted to end Muslim control of the Eastern trade. They benefited from Ferdinand's and Isabella's efforts to promote tolerance in Spain. Spain wanted them to find a refuge for those being driven out of the country by the Reconquista. 4 of 4 ✓ 3. (01.02 LC) Which one of the following is true of agriculture in Spanish America? (4 points) African American slaves performed most of the labor. Spain did not do any farming in its empire. ✓ American Indian slaves did the work on large-scale farms. Catholic priests were forbidden to be involved in farming. 4 of 4 4. (01.02 LC) Which of the following is true of the Spanish conquerors in the Americas? (4 points) ✓ At first, they thought the American Indians would be easy to convert to Christianity. They thought that the American Indians did not know the value of gold and silver. They were surprised by the poverty of most American Indians, even the leaders. At first, they thought the American Indians had a religion similar to their own. 0 of 4 ✓ 5. (01.02 MC) What motivated the Portuguese to begin exploration to find a water route to India, China, and the East Indies? (4 points) To prove that the world was round To establish land empires in India and China ✓ To eliminate Muslim "middlemen" in the luxury goods trade To find markets for Portugal's surplus manufactured goods 4 of 4 ✓ 6. (01.03 MC) Question refers to the excerpt below. "It was upon these gentle lambs, imbued by the Creator with all the qualities we have mentioned, that from the very first day they clapped eyes on them the Spanish fell like ravening wolves upon the fold, or like tigers and savage lions who have not eaten meat for days. The pattern established at the outset has remained unchanged to this day, and the Spaniards still do nothing save tear the natives to shreds, murder them and inflict upon them untold misery, suffering and distress, tormenting, harrying and persecuting them mercilessly." –Bartolomé de Las Casas According to Bartolomé de Las Casas, (4 points) Spain needed to institute a more humane system of American Indian slavery ✓ Spain had caused the deaths of millions of innocent people in the New World slavery needed to be eliminated everywhere from the earth converting American Indians to anything but Catholicism would lead to their death 4 of 4 ✓ 7. (01.03 MC) Bartolomé de Las Casas argued that American Indians (4 points) were enslaved justly because they lacked true religion were treated well by the Spanish despite their barbarism ✓ should enjoy the same freedoms and protections as subjects of Spain should overthrow cruel Spanish masters and reestablish the Inca and Aztec empires 4 of 4 ✓ 8. (01.03 LC) Which of the following is an example of syncretism as a method of cultural preservation in the Americas? (4 points) Enslavemen t Christianity Indenture ✓ Santería 4 of 4 ✓ 9. (01.03 LC) Which of the following describes a person of mixed ancestry in the Spanish Empire? (4 points) Encomendar o Hacienda ✓ Mestizo Criollo 4 of 4 ✓ 10. (01.03 MC) Question refers to the excerpt below. In Yoruba traditional religions, the god Obatala created Earth and human beings. "The kindness of the seventh day, Never to leave the king, The worshiper of the father, The worshiper of the god, The worshiper of the savior, The father savior; Without a hearth, We ourselves make ourselves Children of Obatala." —Translation from an African-Brazilian Folk Song How did people in the New World empires, like the Yoruba, protect their sense of cultural identity? (4 points) They refused to adopt the practices of any other cultural group. They migrated to areas where the dominant culture was closest to their own. ✓ Enslaved people publicly accepted Christianity while privately maintaining traditional beliefs. Enslaved people refused to learn or use European language, work tools, or manners of dress. 4 of 4 ✓ 11. (01.04 MC) Question refers to the excerpt below. "French pirates or corsairs, a nuisance in times of peace, had become a menace to Spanish shipping and to the Spanish economy as relations between France and Spain deteriorated in the 1550s. In 1556−60, the Crown's revenue from the New World fell to half of its levels in the previous years, with much of the treasure stolen by French corsairs who preyed on Spanish vessels along the sea lanes that connected Spain and the Caribbean. For Spain's homeward-bound mariners, one of those sea lanes lay along the Atlantic Coast of North America … A Spanish base on the Florida coast, then, would help protect the homebound silver fleets." —David J. Weber, historian, The Spanish Frontier in North America, 1992 The main point of this excerpt best reflects which of the following ideas? (4 points) ✓ Imperial competition in the New World Differences in goals for European colonies Focus on trade with American Indians Export of raw materials in Columbian Exchange 4 of 4 ✓ 12. (01.04 MC) Which of the following was the strongest motivation for the European powers, such as England and France, to explore and make territorial claims in the Americas? (4 points) Catholic rulers feared the potential of a massive Protestant empire to crush their own empire and faith. ✓ They witnessed and felt threatened by the growing value of Spain's colonial economy and trade. It was the only way to protect their shipping and trade with the native populations in the New World. Monarchs saw the opportunity to incorporate thousands of American Indians as taxpaying citizens. 4 of 4 ✓ 13. (01.04 MC) Which of the following is true about European ambitions in the Americas after 1600? (4 points) The Dutch pursued valuable precious metals, while the English sought to profit from the slave trade. The English wanted to have a base for trade with the Spanish, Dutch, and French in the New World. ✓ The Spanish primarily mined for commodities like gold, while the English wanted to establish colonies based on agriculture. The French sought to establish bases for piracy, while the Spanish wanted to collect valuable minerals for sale back in Europe. 4 of 4 ✓ 14. (01.05 MC) Question refers to the graph below. Which of the following explains the trend shown in the graph up to year 1800? (4 points) The desirability of migration to the American colonies for Africans seeking to practice Christianity ✓ A growing need for labor in the American colonies, particularly for plantationbased agriculture The preference of colonial governors for American Indians to work and provide assistance A decreased need for migrants as the colonial population grew from natural increase 4 of 4 ✓ 15. (01.05 MC) Question refers to the graph below. How did European colonists primarily fill labor needs in the New World in the 17th century? (4 points) Wage workers migrating from Europe Purchase of African slaves from the Portuguese ✓ Enslavement of native peoples and indenture of Europeans Agreements with convicted criminals to work off their sentences 4 of 4 ✓ 16. (01.06 MC) Question refers to the image below. Virginia Plantation Wharf, 1730 Why did plantation-based economies, like the one in the image, develop in the Chesapeake and Southern colonies rather than in the Middle and New England colonies? (4 points)
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