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Module One - Economics for Managers Practice Quiz 3

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Practice Quiz 3 1)A business school professor is interested to know if watching a video about the Central Limit Theorem helps students understand it. To assess this, the professor tests students’ knowledge both immediately before they watch the video and immediately after. The professor takes a sample of students, and for each one compares their test score after the video to their score before the video. Using the data below, calculate the p-value for the following hypothesis test: H0:μafter≤μbeforeH0:μafter≤μbefore Ha:μafter>μbefore The p-value of the one-sided hypothesis test is T.TEST(array1, array2, tails, type)=T.TEST(B2:B31,C2:C31,1,1), which is approximately 0.0128. You must designate this test as a one-sided test (that is, assign the value 1 to the tails argument) and as a type 1 (a paired test) because you are testing the same students on the same knowledge at two points in time. You must link directly to values in order to obtain the correct answer. 2)A curious student in a large economics course is interested in calculating the percentage of his classmates who scored lower than he did on the GMAT; he scored 490. He knows that GMAT scores are normally distributed and that the average score is approximately 540. He also knows that 95% of his classmates scored between 400 and 680. Based on this information, calculate the percentage of his classmates who scored lower than he did.
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