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NCLEX Fluid and Electrolytes Practice Questions-Student

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1) A nurse preparing to assess a pediatric patient should know that, compared with an adult, an infant has which amount of fluid per total body weight? a) less fluid per body weight b) more fluid per body weight c) double the fluid per body weight d) the same amount of fluid per body weight Neonates and young infants have a proportionately larger ECF volume than older children and adults because their brain and skin (both rich in interstitial fluid) constitute a greater proportion of their body weight. 2) A patient is diagnoses with hypernatremia secondary to primary hyperaldosteronism caused by an adrenal adenoma. A nurse, thinking critically about the patient’s diagnosis, knows that the primary function of aldosterone is the protection of sodium balance and regulation of fluid balance by which mechanism? a) Increasing fluid excretion. b) Suppressing the adrenal cortex. c) Constricting the afferent arteriole. d) Increasing sodium reabsorption from the renal tubules. Primary hyperaldosteronism is one of the common causes of secondary hypertension. High systemic aldosterone levels result in increased sodium reabsorption and potassium secretion in the collecting ducts of the kidney, which leads to the retention of water along with sodium, as well as hypokalemia. 3) A medical-surgical nurse should recall that the regulators of fluid balance include which substances? Select all that apply. a) Sodium b) Calcium c) Protein d) Albumin e) Adrenaline 4) An elderly patient presents to a clinic complaining of fatigue, shortness of breath, and restlessness. A nurse assesses the patient, suspecting FVE. Which manifestations identified during the assessment should the nurse associated with FVE? Select all that apply. a) b) c) d) e) Polyuria Weak pulse Weight gain Crackles in lungs Increased respirations
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