NEEB’S Mental Health Nursing FIFTH EDITION

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The Fifth Edition of Neeb’s Mental Health Nursing is a psychiatric nursing text tailored specifically to the needs of the LPN/LVN student. We understand that many students at this level of preparation do not have the opportunity for clinical experience in a psychiatric setting, but they will encounter patients with mental health issues in their rotations and throughout their careers. Students will encounter patients and their families with psychiatric diagnoses as well as a variety of psychosocial issues and behavior that challenge them. This text provides the basic knowledge and skills to address many of these challenges, with an emphasis on communication. This new edition also brings enhancements via the Internet through DavisPlus including updated Interactive Clinical Scenarios addressing a variety of mental health disorders. The book incorporates “LPN/LVN Connections” as part of F.A. Davis’s commitment to enhancing education for these students. The impact of psychiatric disorders continues to be a concern in the United States. Depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and substance abuse continue to be major health problems. The care of those with serious mental illnesses presents many challenges for the courts, law enforcement, and throughout health care especially around the growing homeless populations. How society responds to debilitating mental illness has been the subject of much debate. Clearly the need for nurses to have education in caring for people with mental health issues is essential. Our goal with this text is to provide basic information about mental health theories, personality development, coping and communication styles, psychiatric diagnoses, psychosocial reactions, and nursing actions, all as they pertain to the practice of the LPN/LVN. The emphasis throughout is on enhancing skills that students can utilize in any setting to recognize and assist those with psychosocial and psychiatric issues. Communication approaches are emphasized. The Fifth Edition of Neeb’s Mental Health Nursing brings updated information from the last edition which expanded on the foundations that Kathy Neeb created so successfully in the first three editions. New pharmacologic therapies, expanded information on common mental health disorders, and emphasis on safety issues are some of the areas emphasized. Chapters 1 to 9 provide the basics of mental health nursing concepts, with an emphasis on communication. Chapters 10 to 22 are “clinical” chapters in that they cover specific diagnoses and/or populations. Many of the chapters include the following new or enhanced key features which make the book easy to use to gain important knowledge: • Neeb’s Tip gives a “clinical pearl” that succinctly describes a key take-away from the chapter. • Critical Thinking Questions are expanded and interspersed in the chapters to emphasize a concept and challenge the student to apply the concept just covered. Many of these include case-based scenarios. • Toolbox provides additional resources for students who want more information. • Pharmacology Corner in Chapters 10 to 20 and 22 covers important current information about medications used for the specific population that will pertain to the LPN/LVN scope of practice. • Clinical Activities are suggestions for the student to utilize when caring for patients with a particular disorder. • Classroom Activities include suggestions for projects or actions that students and faculty can use in the classroom to enhance learning. • Case Studies are in-depth, with questions to help the student apply knowledge learned in the chapter. • Safe, Effective Nursing Care (SENC) highlight key activities for the student to focus on ways to promote safety and improved patient outcomes. • Multiple Choice Questions—At least 10 questions are provided at the end of each chapter, with the answers on the page for easy reference, and the answers and rationales in Appendix A. • Sample Care Plans are provided in the clinical chapters. • Appendix E matches common behaviors with nursing diagnoses.
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