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NR 222 Health and Wellness Study Guide Final NR 222 2018

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Models of Health: Clinical:  Defined by the absence of illness, signs, and symptoms of disease.  May not seek preventative care or services.  People who use this model may not seek preventive health services or they may wait until they are very ill to seek care.  You go to the hospital if you need immediate help (such as a broken something not a cold you caught). Role Performance945, with performance based on societal expectations.  Illness would be the failure to perform roles at the ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////level of others in society. o EX: If you are sick, you get medicine to help you get back up and running Adaptive:  The ability to adjust positively to social, mental, and physiological change  Illness occurs when the person is unable to adapt o Go through a traumatic injury and then you get help with adapting to a new injury (takes a slow process). Eudemonistic:  Emphasizes the interactions between physical, social, psychological, and spiritual aspects of life  Goal attainment and meaning  May seek out alternative therapies, council of priest, rabbi, or minister  Strive for equilibrium o A person dying of cancer may still be healthy if that person is finding meaning in life at this stage of development. Reasons why the Eudemonistic model is a better, more cost effective model to use today?  This was adopted by the healthcare system because it pays the hospitals, doctors, etc more money because people only come when they are in dire need of medical care thus needing more tests, medicine, procedures done to them and since every little thing costs money the hospital or facility gets paid either from the patient or insurance company. It is more expensive for the patient. Also it was adopted because people think they are healthy or they do not have enough money to go to the doctor for every little thing that happens to them. Why the Affordable Care Act can move America towards a Eudemonistic model?  This model is better because you are focusing on your health as a whole and emphasizes the interactions within social, spiritual, physical, and psychological aspects of life. You seek out alternative therapies such as ministers, rabbis, etc. It is a more holistic approach to medicine and therefore costs less since you are using different types of holistic treatments instead of the big medications from the big pharmaceutical companies. They don't let their illness slow them down.
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