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NR 449 Unit 6: Identifying & Interpreting Descriptive Statistics

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NR 449 Unit 6: Identifying & Interpreting Descriptive Statistics 1 1 unread reply. 75 75 replies. Examine the survey results located in the Resources section of the Unit 6 Assignments page. Choose one of the items, determine the descriptive statistic that is reported, & indicate what it means. For example, “What is the highest level of education of this group?” (Please do not repeat the same topic as your classmates.) Search entries or author Filter replies by unread Unread Collapse replies Exp& replies  Manage Discussion Entry This week, our discussion will focus on identifying & interpreting descriptive statistics. The course outcomes for this week include the following: 1. Examine the sources of knowledge that contribute to professional nursing practice. 2. Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies. 3. Identify ethical issues common to research involving human subjects. For this week's discussion, you will access they hypothetical survey results located in the Resources section of the Unit 6 Assignments page. The discussion will revolve around data collection & analysis, & is designed to help you report & interpret descriptive statistics. Refer back to the "rules" for looking at data in this unit's lesson. Consider how the use of different statistics gives meaning to research findings. Please utilize the Threaded Discussion graded rubric as a guideline for posting to the discussions. These are the criteria you will be graded on which includes the use of citations & references according to current APA.
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