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NR511 Final Exam Study Guide

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This was a study guide someone else made, I also used questions from the book which abour 75% were from. There was a questions about diagnosing carpel tunnel syndrome, eiher phalens or tinnels sign. Week 5 1. Identify the population most commonly affected by bacterial prostatitis o Acute - Sexually active men 30 to 50 years - Chronic bacterial prostatitis common in men older than 50 years old - Athletes who run long distance are predisposed - Complaints of fever, chills, LBP, malaise, arthralgia, myalgia, frequency, urgency, dysuria, nocturia, and bladder outlet obstruction o Chronic bacterial prostatitis- men over age 50 years of age. Symptoms often absent , perineal pain, lower abdomen pain, scrotal or penile pain, pain with ejaculation, dysuria, irritative voiding 2. Discuss the physical exam characteristics of acute bacterial prostatitis Abdominal exam to detect distended bladder, costovertebral angle tenderness, genital exam, and digital rectal exam Acute bacterial prostatitis- warm, tense, swollen , boggy and very tender prostate. Most common pathogen Strep faecalis and staph aureus 3.Discuss how the Phren sign can differentiate between testicular torsion and epididymitis Epididymis characteristic is relief of discomfort with elevation of testis. Positive Prehn’s sign = pain relief. Testicular torsion elevation of the affected testicle does NOT relieve the pain (Negative Prehn’s sign = pain is NOT relieved) Epididymis Positive Prehn’s sign = pain relief. Neg = no pain relief = testicular torsion). 4. Discuss common symptoms reported from a patient with BPH Affects men age 40 years and older.
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