Nursing > Questions and Answers > NSG 4060 Comprehensive ATI Practice B questions and answers

NSG 4060 Comprehensive ATI Practice B questions and answers

A nurse is developing a client education program a bout osteoporosis for older adult clients. The nurse should include which of the following variables as a risk factor for osteoporosis? Sedentary lifestyle. This is a risk factor for osteoporosis. The nurse should encourage older adult clients to ... engage in weight-bearing exercises because t hey will promote bone health by increasing calcium and phosphorus levels. A nurse in an ED is caring for a child who has a fever and fluid-filled vesicles on the trunk and extremities. Which of t he following interventions should the nurse identify as the priority? Initiate transmission-based precautions When using the urgent vs nonurgent approach to client care, the nurse should determine that the priority action is to initiate transmission-based precautions for the child. The child most likely has varicella. Therefore, the nurse should isolate the child to prevent the spread of the infection. A nurse is caring for a c lient who has a clogged percutaneous gastrostomy feeding tube. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? Change the position of the client. When providing client care, the nurse should use the least restrictive intervention first. Therefore, the nurse should reposition the client to remove any kinks in the tube, which can lead to clogging. If this method is unsuccessful, t he nurse should attempt to flush or aspirate the client’s tube to remove the clog. A home health care nurse is developing a teaching plan for a client who has a new ileostomy. Which of the following i nstructions should the nurse include? Empty the appliance when it is one-third t o one-half full. The ileostomy pouch should be emptied when it is o ne-third to one-half full to prevent stool leakage and skin irritation. A nurse is reviewing the laboratory report of a client who has end-stage kidney disease and received hemodialysis 24 yr ago. Which of the following lab values should the nurse report to the provider? Sodium 148 mEq/L The nurse should report this sodium level because it is a bove the expected reference range of 136 to 145 mEq/L, indicating hypernatremia. Clients who have kidney disease often retain sodium and require sodium-restricted diets. A nurse is caring for four clients. Which of the following tasks should the nurse delegate to a CNA? Arrange the lunch tray for a client who has a hip fracture. Assisting a client with meals is within the range of function of the CNA. A nurse is preparing a client for a paracentesis. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? Instruct the client to void. The nurse should instruct the client to void prior to the procedure because an empty bladder decreases the risk of a bladder puncture and minimizes the client’s discomfort during the procedure. A nurse has received change of shift report on four assigned clients. For which of the following clients should the nurse intervene to prevent a potential food and medication interaction? A client who is receiving an MAOI and is requesting a cheeseburger for dinner. This client’s food selection contains tyramine. Clients prescribed an MAOI must restrict the intake of foods that contain tyramine due to adverse effects, such as hypertension. A nurse is planning care for a client who has rheumatoid arthritis and has moderate to severe pain in multiple joints. W hich of the following actions should the nurse plan to take? Allow for frequent rest periods throughout the day. The nurse should encourage the client to balance rest with exercise to maintain muscle strength, joint function, and range of motion. [Show More]

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