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NUR 211 CVA Case Study Cerebral Vascular Accident

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Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) John Gates, 59 years old Primary Concept Perfusion Interrelated Concepts (In order of emphasis) Coping Clinical Judgment Patient Education Communication Collaboration © 2016 Keith Rischer/www.KeithRN.com UNFOLDING Clinical Reasoning Case Study: STUDENT Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) History of Present Problem: John Gates is a 59-year-old male with a history of diabetes type II and hypertension who was at work when he had sudden onset of right-sided weakness, right facial droop, and difficulty speaking. He was transported to the emergency department (ED) where these symptoms continue to persist. It has been one hour from the onset of his neurologic symptoms when he presents to the ED. You are the nurse responsible for his care. Personal/Social History: John lives with his wife in their own home in a small rural community. He owns a hardware store where he remains active and involved in the day-to-day operations. His wife insists on being by his side and talking to John despite John’s frustration in not being able to answer her questions. His wife reports that the past week he has been complaining of episodes where his heart felt as if it was beating irregularly and fast but then resolved. His wife also states that he has been complaining of pain in his right foot the past week. John has been trying to quit smoking the past month and has been using a nicotine patch. His wife reports that he does not regularly check his blood glucose and eats what he wants. He is 6 feet tall and weighs 250 pounds (113.6 kg/BMI of 33.9).
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