Nursing > Exam > NURS 6660 MIDTERM EXAM 1


Jack is a 3-year-old boy who is being evaluated for developmental delay. The mental status examination is significant for an inability to stack two blocks or draw a circle. The PMHNP also appreciates the inability to attend to any task for more than a few seconds. These findings indicate an abnor ... mality in: During the mental status exam of Oliver, a 4-year-old child, the PMHNP appreciates that he appears to be having transient visual and auditory hallucinations. The PMHNP knows that the best approach to this finding is to consider that: Jason is a 17-month-old male who is referred for evaluation of an unusually high level of irritability. His mother says he cries “all the time,” and sometimes he just cannot be comforted; Jason’s pediatrician felt that the complaint warranted an evaluation by child psychiatry. Comprehensive assessment of Jason’s irritability should include all the following except:D Which of the following is the most common anxiety disorder of childhood? When evaluating treatment strategies for a 14-year-old patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), the PMHNP considers that evidence-based data from the Pediatric OCD Treatment Study (POTS) suggests that best outcomes are achieved with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and: Which of the following behaviors is least suspicious for an adolescent who is being bullied at school? AMichael is a 13-year-old boy who was involved in a traumatic automobile accident in which his mother, the driver, was killed. After suffering multiple injuries and weeks in the hospital, Michael was discharged to home with physical therapy. He ultimately made a complete physical recovery but is unable to get into a car. Just the thought of riding in a car produces profound physiologic symptoms. He has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). His avoidance of riding in a car is conceptualized as: Which of the following is a true statement with respect to developmental testing in infants? Wendy is a 6-year-old female being evaluated by the PMHNP following a suicide attempt. The police were called when a neighbor saw Wendy jump out of the open window of her first- floor apartment. She was unhurt, but when the neighbor asked why she jumped out she said she wanted to kill herself. Which coincident finding would warrant an inpatient psychiatric admission for Wendy? [Show More]

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