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Nursing Management: Visual and Auditory Problems ,Questions and answers

myopia and presbyopia by assessing for a. strength of the eye muscles. b. both near and distant vision. c. cloudiness in the eye lenses. d. intraocular pressure changes. 2. A nurse should instruct a patient with recurrent staphylococcal and seborrheic blepharitis to a. irrigate the eyes wit ... h saline solution. b. apply cool compresses to the eyes three times daily. c. use a gentle baby shampoo to clean the lids as needed. d. schedule an appointment for surgical removal of the lesion. 3. When assisting a blind patient in ambulating to the bathroom, the nurse should a. take the patient by the arm and lead the patient slowly to the bathroom. b. have the patient place a hand on the nurse’s shoulder and guide the patient. c. stay beside the patient and describe any obstacles on the path to the bathroom. d. walk slightly ahead of the patient and allow the patient to hold the nurse’s elbow. 4. A nurse should include which instructions when teaching a patient with repeated hordeolum how to prevent further infection? a. Apply cold compresses at the first sign of recurrence. b. Discard all open or used cosmetics applied near the eyes. c. Wash the scalp and eyebrows with an antiseborrheic shampoo. d. Be examined for recurrent sexually transmitted infections (STIs). 5. The nurse developing a teaching plan for a patient with herpes simplex keratitis should include which instruction? a. Apply antibiotic drops to the eye several times daily. b. Wash hands frequently and avoid touching the eyes. c. Apply a new occlusive dressing to the affected eye at bedtime. d. Use corticosteroid ophthalmic ointment to decrease inflammation. 6. Which teaching point should the nurse plan to include when caring for a patient whose vision is corrected to 20/200? a. How to access audio books b. How to use a white cane safely c. Where Braille instruction is available d. Where to obtain specialized magnifiers 7. The nurse is developing a plan of care for an adult patient diagnosed with adult inclusion conjunctivitis (AIC) caused by Chlamydia trachomatis. Which action should be included in the plan of care? a. Discussing the need for sexually transmitted infection testing b. Applying topical corticosteroids to prevent further inflammation c. Assisting with applying for community visual rehabilitation services d. Educating about the use of antiviral eyedrops to treat the infection 8. Which topic will the nurse teach after a patient has had outpatient cataract surgery and lens implantation? a. Use of oral opioids for pain control b. Administration of corticosteroid eye drops c. Importance of coughing and deep breathing exercises d. Need for bed rest for the first 1 to 2 days after the surgery 9. In reviewing a 55-year-old patient’s medical record, the nurse notes that the last eye examination revealed an intraocular pressure of 28 mm Hg. The nurse will plan to assess a. visual acuity. b. pupil reaction. c. color perception. d. peripheral vision. 10. A patient with a right retinal detachment had a pneumatic retinopexy procedure. Which information will be included in the discharge teaching plan? a. The purpose of maintaining the head in a prescribed position b. The use of eye patches to reduce movement of the operative eye c. The need to wear dark glasses to protect the eyes from bright light d. The procedure for dressing changes when the eye dressing is saturated [Show More]

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